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How We Get Hurt: What You Need to Know

How do we get hurt?

  • What's the number one way that workers in housing authorities get hurt? Over the past five years there is a clear answer. Strains, sprains, and overexertion injuries are the most frequent and costly way that we get hurt. While most of these injuries are related to maintenance activities, the second largest group is from administrative and clerical activities. The bottom line is that all of us can suffer from back, shoulder, neck, and arm pain from activities of work and home. The pain, stiffness and limited range of motion that are associated with these injuries can make doing the things that you love or need to do more difficult.

Why should you care?

  • Because you have hopes and dreams for yourself and your family is the short answer. Maybe people depend on you. It could be your spouse or children, or perhaps a better home or car, a vacation, or charitable activity.

We all have things in life that we value. What is it
for you?

  • Back, neck or shoulder pain is a threat that can limit your body from doing work over time. It could involve herniated discs, carpal tunnel syndrome or tendonitis. This threat can be sneaky. It starts out with tasks that are a hassle and that can lead to fatigue. This fatigue over time can turn into discomfort, pain, or numbness. With more time it can leave you with limited range of motion and a trip to the doctor's office.

How do strains, strains and overexertion injuries occur?

  • Imagine that your body is like a bucket. When you wake up and start going about your life, a hose starts to fill your bucket with wear & tear. The more awkward positions, high forces, or repeated motions you make the more wear & tear go into your bucket. Fortunately, your bucket has a faucet that represents your body's ability to heal and for most people, they drain out the stress from the day when you take care of yourself. The problem begins when the wear & tear begins to exceed the healing over time. At these times your bucket fills to the top and starts to spill over the edges. This overflow causes discomfort, pain, numbness, and limited range of motion.
  • The things that you do and how you do them determine how much wear & tear goes into your bucket. Health issues like diabetes, body mass, thyroid disease and personal health determine how tall and wide are buckets are and how fast our faucets are.

What you can do:
There are four things that you can do to protect yourself.
They are:

  • warmup,
  • setup,
  • best methods, and
  • recovery stretching.